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About MentorInternationalSchool

Mentor International School is one of the best CBSE Schools in Pune is also intended to teach students the importance of responsibility, hard work and citizenship. This will instil character in students and reinforce positive behaviour. Our top-notch academic studies help out in developing Liberty, Fraternity and Equality in the minds of students.The educational material and teaching methodology of CBSE board are conducive to the national interests of the country. We offer CBSE curriculum which is more student-friendly & very conducive to a positive environment. Referring to best CBSE schools in Pune we prepare our students to pursue future studies from a centralized institution like an IIT or AIIMS.Most modern academic take standards norms to adopt a group of learning strategy to education. This seems to be a dated approach to learning that continues to hamper our attempts to innovate. The fluency of our world-class curriculum matches the fluidity of relevant modern knowledge demands.

APAAR stands for Annual Performance Appraisal Report. It is a systematic way to evaluate the performance, skills, and contributions of employees or students in an organization or institution over a year. APAAR registration is the process of enrolling or recording details for participation in this 
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In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial, and sports and fitness play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. Incorporating these activities into our daily routines not only enhances physical well-being but also improves mental strength, teamwork, and academic performance.   Benefits 
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Date: Friday, 13 August 2021 Venue: Mentor International School Virtual platform Start Time: 2.30 pm End Time: 3.15pm Zoom   List of Attendees: Mrs Nivedita Madkikar (Management Representative) Mrs Deepika Thawani (Chairperson) Mr Shankar Padwal (Vice Chairperson- Parent) All Teachers and Parents   The Management 
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The rainy season for most people, monsoon is the harbinger of comforting clouds and the cold breeze that sweep away every remnant of heat from the atmosphere. However, with all this pleasantness also comes various health-related risks as well. Children go berserk when the first 
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Student classroom performance is a vital process that helps the student to achieve a greater goal in the future. But even the brightest students can sometimes find themselves academically underperforming, often through no fault of their own. When Student find themselves in this situation, it’s 
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The library occupies a very important place in school. Here they find an environment which is conducive to the building up of habit of self-learning. The library is the centre of the intellectual and social activities of the school. The library has got a very 
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Starting school can be a difficult time for children. Every child is hesitant to go somewhere new and see people that they never met before. Here are some helpful ways to prepare your child for his/her first day of school: Orientation Session: Find out when 
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English played a very important role these days. English is also awarded as the second national language in India. As it meets the requirement of the modern world. In today’s era, there is a strong need for a person knowing English, especially in India. This 
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The good thing about robotics this day is that a lot of companies have made robots accessible for all age. We realize young children are growing up expose to technology at a very young age, therefore we think they are capable to start at an 
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Anyone confronting the tickling adventures summer camp in their childhood will never be surprised to hear about its benefits. Experiencing life at summer camp as a child has profound positive effects which still matter to parents. Every parent wants to give something just as great 
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Mentor International School