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Pre-primary is a learning space, offering early childhood education to young brains before the inception of mandatory education at primary school.

Fostering Independence

Our Primary Program continues to maximize the development of young adults through scientifically prepared pre-school environments. We discreetly planned activities which continue to lead the child to fabricate concrete academic concepts & develop the ability to concentrate deeply, social etiquettes, and acquire high self-esteem. Preschool education is important and beneficial for any child which gives them a head start through social interactions.

Best English Medium Schools in Pune

Growth and development

Our ground breaking educational framework enables unripen mind to express themselves with creativity. The Arts & Crafts class will enrich the artistry by teaching the names of the colors, creating craft projects using their imagination, listening to music and learning the different sounds of an instrument etc.

the best cbse school in hadapsar
Junior K.G.
Senior K.G.
Mentor International School