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Primary School

Robotics Activities, Music, Sports & Dance are ingrained in the rudimentary level to reinforce important life skills among our future generations. Our proficient mentors share their unique brilliance to give a prime shape to the crude clay of tiny minds.

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Why Us

We at Mentor school plant critical foundation for all other academic achievement for a lifetime of success. This reinforces and extends classroom learning and helps kids practice important academic artistry.
Our well rounded curriculum is framed for the overall well-being and development of strong literacy and numeracy skills among the future adults. It also instigates students to develop a sense of responsibility and a work ethic that will benefit them beyond the classroom.

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Academic excellence

We believe in a holistic approach to learning. Our curriculum is based on interdisciplinary teaching and learning. The pedagogy takes a hierarchical movement in difficulty levels.A discerning learner will have an advantage in an imaginative, inventive, ingenious and innovative conceptualisation in problem resolution. With this as our foundation we energise our teaching methodologies.

Mentor International School