|| ADMISSIONS OPEN FOR PLAYGROUP TO GRADE 10th .  For Enquiry Please Call +91 9766 07 07 00 ||

7+ Acres Playground Facility

Child development on a playground grow up with optimal motor skills inclusive of fertile imagination. Mentor’s yard is comprised of a immensely extensive recreation ground where kids learn how to develop the physical and social skills

Best in Class Infrastructure

State of art infrastructure to support academics, co-curricular  and extracurricular activities 

standardized Library & Labs

Our premier standardized  Library and Labs are enriched with new ideas & motivates the future generation to gain knowledge, skills and attributes needed for creative learning.

Digital Learning

Our yard enriched with Digital Learning solution that foster opportunities for teaching and learning by integrating learning technology with Digital Content.

Safety and security

Secured and controlled entry and exit with,  24/7 CCTV Surveillance  & Maximum female teachers/staff. Fire compliance school building.

Health and Hygiene

well equipped infirmary.Regular health checkup camp and awareness workshop.Supplementary Insurance Card for every students

Mentor International School