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History Of Republic Day From School In Magarpatta:- The Republic Day is a national holiday of India, celebrated every year on 26th January. This day celebrates the anniversary of the Constitution of India and the transition of India from a British Dominion to a republic 
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Makara Sankranti is celebrated in various parts of the Indian subcontinent to observe the day which marks the shift of the sun into ever-lengthening days. The festival is a seasonal observance as well as a religious celebration. We celebrate the harvest festival across the country 
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  Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world to whom we must believe and whose divinity we must accept. We celebrate December 25th as Christmas Day as birth anniversary of Jesus. The Gospel of Luke recounts that a 12-year-old Jesus had accompanied his parents on 
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Stories ingrain compassion & sympathy amidst tiny minds which entitles them a better mortal as well as responsible citizen. Numerous tells unwind moral teaching which proves fun filling way to educate young minds. Storytelling is a skill we learn very early in life. In childhood, 
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Extracurricular activities render an opportunity to correlate academic skills with the real world context. Featured & creative curriculum facilitate children to learn better Social skills, Critical Thinking & Teamwork. As a top CBSE school near Magarpatta City we strives to encourage our understudies to take 
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10 parameters to choose the best schools near Hadapsar for your child:- Parents always want their kids to get the excellent education as possible while choosing best CBSE Schools near Hadapsar. Unfortunately, in their eagerness to provide the best curriculum often they evaluate only the 
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5 Things Can Be Considered While Choosing Sports For Children!! Although many teams need a variety of different players, taking into account children’s stature, we could assume what activity may best suit them. Referring top English medium schools in Magarpatta city, Mentor school stands as 
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Why Social Awareness Is Important !! Social awareness is a crucial component of appropriate classroom behavior, which contributes to an environment conducive to learning. This play as an important factor in workforce success for tiny kids who are going to be the future work force. This 
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As one of the top CBSE Schools in Hadapsar, Mentor bestows with 10 crucial Parenting tips. This will assists guardians on the journey of their parenting to ingrain empathy, leadership, gratitude & soft skills among children. A caring parent strives to make decisions in the 
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How Important Resilience Is For Kids!! For one thing, academic compulsion has increased a great deal and starts at a younger age. Resilience empowers children to positively and productively overcome hurdle in their life. Out of the top CBSE schools near Hadapsar, Mentor teaches tiny 
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Mentor International School