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About MentorInternationalSchool

Mentor International School is one of the best CBSE Schools in Pune is also intended to teach students the importance of responsibility, hard work and citizenship. This will instil character in students and reinforce positive behaviour. Our top-notch academic studies help out in developing Liberty, Fraternity and Equality in the minds of students.The educational material and teaching methodology of CBSE board are conducive to the national interests of the country. We offer CBSE curriculum which is more student-friendly & very conducive to a positive environment. Referring to best CBSE schools in Pune we prepare our students to pursue future studies from a centralized institution like an IIT or AIIMS.Most modern academic take standards norms to adopt a group of learning strategy to education. This seems to be a dated approach to learning that continues to hamper our attempts to innovate. The fluency of our world-class curriculum matches the fluidity of relevant modern knowledge demands.

Why To Plan Outdoor Summer Activities For Children !! Summer holidays are considered to be the best time for students to explore themselves and their surroundings more as they have no study pressure and mental stress. This also gives them the much required respite from 
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Commemoration Of Orientation Day At Mentor School (2019-20) :-  Mentor International School organised Orientation Day on 13th April 2019 at school premises. School orientation programs are on the rise in today’s modern academia. The goal is often to provide a sense of belonging to new students. 
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Why Pre School-Graduation Day is Celebrated!! The Graduation Day Ceremony commemorates the precious moments of the little ones. This offers an opportunity to celebrate the culmination of their preschool years and the beginning of new experiences. Kindergarten graduation is an exciting milestone for upper-primary children 
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An assembly was arranged a day before the Holi celebration within the bounds of Mentor yard. Children awaken to this celebration which signifies the triumph of good over evil & devotion to god. In addition to marking the arrival of spring, Holi also celebrates for 
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Celebration Of “Euphoria” The 1st Annual Day Function!! With immense pleasure and with great pride Mentor International School unveiled their annual day celebrations on 15th March, 2019. This year the theme for the school’s annual day function was to spread the message of paying gratitude to 
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We celebrated International Women’s Day at Mentor International School to recognize the contribution and significance of the women. The celebration highlighted the message about competency of women. This also exhibit how the Intellectual capacity of women as capable of holding high responsibility as efficiently as 
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Why Should We Celebrate Martyrs’ Day !! We celebrate Martyrs’ Day as an annual day to salute the martyrdom of soldiers who lost their lives defending the sovereignty of the nation. Our nation mark 30th January as Shaheed Diwas in the memory of Mahatma Gandhi 
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A good mentor committed to helping their disciple to find success and gratification in their chosen professions. Overall guidance requires empowering the students to develop their own strengths, beliefs, and personal attributes. Mentor school as a good mentor exhibits their personal attributes which drives kids to be successful 
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History Of Republic Day From School In Magarpatta:- The Republic Day is a national holiday of India, celebrated every year on 26th January. This day celebrates the anniversary of the Constitution of India and the transition of India from a British Dominion to a republic 
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Makara Sankranti is celebrated in various parts of the Indian subcontinent to observe the day which marks the shift of the sun into ever-lengthening days. The festival is a seasonal observance as well as a religious celebration. We celebrate the harvest festival across the country 
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Mentor International School