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How to Prepare Your Child for School

Starting school can be a difficult time for children. Every child is hesitant to go somewhere new and see people that they never met before. Here are some helpful ways to prepare your child for his/her first day of school:

Orientation Session:

Find out when school runs an orientation session and make the time to attend. This allows staffs to get to know your child and your child to meet other children who will be starting school at the same time. Find out basic rules such as where children are allowed to play as well as routines and expectation from school staff – for example, what day does sports uniform need to be worn or library bag need to be taken to school. This will enable you and your child to be prepared for what happens at school.

Establish a Routine:

Starting school does change their schedule. Let your child know what time school starts and ends each day so that they know what to anticipate. Set up the routine you will be keeping to during the school week. Get your child used to going to bed early and waking up earlier. Talk about when they should be doing their homework and if there will be any restriction on TV time in the evenings. Try to start following this routine about 1 month before school begins.

Talk about school:

Spend some time together talking about what a day in school will be like. Encourage your child to share any concerns that they might have and address them together. This will give you an insight into whether your child is excited or anxious about school. If they are anxious, tell them how going to school is fun and that it is perfectly normal to feel jittery. Also, reassure them that if any problem arises at school, you will always be there to resolve them. This assurance will better prepare your child for school.

Talk about Making New friends:

Going to a new school often means saying goodbye to old friends and making new ones. Talk to your child about what can do to make a new friend. Reassure them that they will still be able to see their pre-school friends. Set up some play dates with their pre-school classmates within the first 2 months of primary school so that your child can continue to maintain these friendships.

If you’re new to the school or you have a tendency to be shy and introverted, making new friends at school might seem like a challenge. Luckily, you can overcome that challenge by looking for people with the same interests as you and by being friendly when you meet new people. Also, participate in extracurricular clubs and events whenever you get the chance since that will help you meet people outside of class.

Teach them to Take Care of their Things:

Children will need to be able to care for their school things. Help your child practice packing and unpacking the backpack they will be using for school. Make sure that a child’s backpack can be easily recognized as theirs. Practice eating recess and lunch food out of their school lunch box which is easy as possible to open and close, letting them open any packaging that will be used for food at school.

When children complete basic self-help tasks such as zipping their coats or tying their shoes, they feel a great sense of pride. Independence builds confidence and self-esteem. In school, children will be expected to do many things on their own. To make sure your child in independent in school.

Encourage Positive or Appropriate Behavior:

Children need to be able to do what the teacher asks, follow rules, and interact appropriately with both adults and other children.

Behaviour is usually a way that children try to tell you something, so it’s important to determine what your child is trying to communicate with their behaviour. This gives you the chance to teach the child a positive behaviour, get support as early as possible. Once your child settles in, it is important to continue to support their development.

One of the most effective ways to encourage this of positive behaviour is by rewarding it. When your child behaves in a positive way, give specific praise, for example – great talking turn; show affection positive emotion, for example, big smile, hugs or high fives; or use tangible rewards including stickers, a star on a chart or a special game with Mum or Dad.




Mentor International School is one of the best CBSE Schools in Pune is also intended to teach students the importance of responsibility, hard work and citizenship. This will instil character in students and reinforce positive behaviour. Our top-notch academic studies help out in developing Liberty, Fraternity and Equality in the minds of students.The educational material and teaching methodology of CBSE board are conducive to the national interests of the country. We offer CBSE curriculum which is more student-friendly & very conducive to a positive environment. Referring to best CBSE schools in Pune we prepare our students to pursue future studies from a centralized institution like an IIT or AIIMS.Most modern academic take standards norms to adopt a group of learning strategy to education. This seems to be a dated approach to learning that continues to hamper our attempts to innovate. The fluency of our world-class curriculum matches the fluidity of relevant modern knowledge demands.

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